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pupils laughing and working together

Lesson plans and resources for 9- to 11-year-olds

Web versions of our unit of work

The NewsWise unit of work engages pupils with the news and develops crucial critical literacy skills.

Each lesson incorporates authentic skills from the newsroom, with pupils progressing through Journalist Training School as they complete the unit, culminating in them producing their own written news report at the end of the project.

Download all the lesson plans and activities for your class in one place here.
pupils presenting at the front of the class
Before you start: read our teacher guide
Get the most out of the unit of work with our teacher guide, which includes extra guidance to help you teach NewsWise.
NewsWise learning journey
The NewsWise learning journey takes pupils through each of the NewsWise themes in order: they first develop an understanding of what news is, then the skills to question and challenge what they read, see and hear in the media, and finally put these skills into practice by producing their own news reports.
Bring the learning to life

Theme 1

Understanding the news

Theme 2

Navigating the news

Theme 3

Reporting the news

Finished NewsWise?
Complete our short survey and tell us how it went
More resources
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