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Journalist visits

Bringing journalists to classrooms

Journalists: find out more about volunteering with us

Teachers: book one of our free virtual journalist visits for your class

Real journalists bring learning to life and help children understand how the news is made.

Journalist volunteers help us show how news is exciting and important, highlight its capacity to hold power to account and inspire the next generation of young news makers!
I've really enjoyed every single talk. I get more interesting and thoughtful questions from school children than I do from university students!
NewsWise volunteer
Working with journalists enriches your NewsWise experience. Meeting real journalists inspires pupils and helps them understand that the news is made by real people.

Our virtual journalist visits are free and open to all classes of children aged 7 to 11.

Click the link below to sign up for upcoming visits.
All NewsWise volunteers will have attended safeguarding training, and been vetted by the NewsWise team. All volunteers are required to read and sign our safeguarding policy. Volunteers are not required to have DBS certificates as all volunteering activity is virtual. A teacher must be present with your class at all times during volunteer interactions.

The NewsWise team will provide you with more information about your virtual journalist visit.

Please note that the visits will happen in English, with journalists who will mostly be referring to UK journalistic practices.
My pupils were absolutely gripped by our journalist who was both kind and engaging. Again, it made the whole thing more 'real' for them!
Year 6 teacher
[The pupils] were really engaged with the Q&A. As she was talking, more and more children wanted to ask questions and we had a long chat after thinking about her role and journalism. It really helped them to get engaged in the project and they were much more enthused by it. It was lovely for them to hear about a job role they were unfamiliar with and that a real life journalist was talking to them!
Year 6 teacher
The visit from the journalist had a profound impact on the pupils, enhancing their understanding of journalism and inspiring many. Overall, the Q&A was insightful and informative.
Year 5 teacher
Journalists: get involved
We aim to show pupils the wide variety of people and roles in journalism and welcome journalists from all organisations and from all roles in the industry, including student journalists.

Volunteers just need to be passionate about sharing their knowledge of journalism with some very young journalists!
How we support you
You'll get dedicated support from the NewsWise team, who will provide you with all the information you need before taking part in a Q&A.

You do not need any experience of working with children – we will give you tips to help you answer their questions in an appropriate and engaging way.

A member of the NewsWise team will be present with you for your virtual Q&A.
Before your Q&A session, a member of the NewsWise team will have a short chat with you about how to prepare for the session and safeguarding.

You don’t need a DBS certificate to take part in NewsWise volunteering as all sessions are virtual and a teacher will be present with the class at all times. You will be required to read and sign our safeguarding policy and code of conduct.
Registered charity: 1153865