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NewsWise teacher training

Expert CPD from news literacy and PSHE specialists
rated webinars as excellent (78%) or good (22%)
Online teacher training
Our free, online teacher training will be back in summer term. Sign up for our newsletter to find out when new dates are added
In-depth CPD
Register for your interest in an in-school training via the button below and we will be in touch with more information.

This training is ideal for: English/ Literacy leads, PSHE leads, Key Stage 2 class teachers, ECTs
How to teach the structure and language for writing effectively [was useful]. How to engage children and teachers! The resources were fantastic, so helpful that we had the opportunity to trial all these resources.
CPD attendee
About the training
Two half-day training sessions delving into critical literacy, using and adapting NewsWise resources in the classroom, how to teach news writing for successful writing and oracy outcomes.

In between the two sessions, teachers are asked to try a NewsWise activity with their class, and bring their reflections to session two.

Training can be run as a whole-staff event in school, or with teachers from several schools attending one centrally-located training session.
Registered charity: 1153865