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Incubator for Independent Media

Building capacity for journalists from across Türkiye

Our Incubator for Independent Media project works with local partners to provide opportunities for Turkish media professionals to develop their own projects, as well as building the capacity of media trainers, producing valuable learning resources and research into the media sector.

Building on our previous work in the region and our partnership with NewsLabTurkey, the three-year programme includes:
  • An intensive Incubator training programme supporting the development of innovative media products

  • 'Train the trainer' activities

  • An annual knowledge exchange week that strengthens the capacity of media education in Türkiye

  • Training and coaching for journalists and media organisations in every region of Türkiye

  • Research into the media landscape in Türkiye

  • Educational digital content

  • Knowledge exchange week
    Media professionals from Türkiye, and a week of training and sharing knowledge in the UK with colleagues from the Guardian, Financial Times, Doncopolitan, Bristol Cable, Tortoise Media and more.
    Our impact at a glance
    To date
    people have taken part in our Incubator programme
    On average, each trainer on the ToT workshop has gone on to train
    other individuals
    The training topic was explained wonderfully. It was handled in an understandable way. It is one of the courses that every journalist should take.
    2022 Incubator participant

    Funded by

    In partnership with

    Registered charity: 1153865