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Scott Trust Bursary Students 2017-18

Poppy Noor
Goldsmiths College, University of London
Poppy Noor is a freelance journalist. She has written in print and online for major publications, including The Times, The Evening Standard and Vice.

Poppy regularly writes for the Guardian and is the Commissioning Editor on their Housing Network. She has experience in TV, Radio and Film and has produced a 5-minute film for Channel 4 News.
Amy Walker
The University of Sheffield
Amy studied her Masters in Journalism and NCTJ at The University of Sheffield as a Scott Trust Bursary recipient.

Raised in Nottingham, Amy first took an interest in Journalism at sixth-form and went on to study an English BA at Goldsmiths, University of London. Whilst there, she did stints sub-editing the university’s magazine and djing for their radio station and took a module in linguistics in the media. Unable to afford a Masters in Journalism after graduating in 2016, she juggled part-time jobs with gaining hands-on experience in the industry which lead to a variety of internships and freelancing positions. She proactively sought and spent two weeks in local newsrooms and later completed internships at Heat, The Guardian (Guide), Dazed, Financial Times and VICE. Alongside writing, during this time she recorded a podcast for the FT and through offering to help the VICE video team after hours, was accredited as a production assistant on a short film. Since finishing internships with them, Amy has written freelance pieces for The Guardian, Dazed and the FT.
Ammar Kalia
City University
Ammar Kalia is an arts and culture journalist who has written for a range of publications including the Guardian, Tank Magazine, Hero Magazine, the Quietus, and Clash Magazine, amongst others.

Following on from a BA in English at the University of Bristol and an MPhil in American Literature from the University of Cambridge, Ammar sought to pursue a career as a writer. Throughout his studies he freelanced as a culture correspondent and arts writer, interning on the editorial desk at Tank Magazine as well as at the Quietus. He also has a range of experience in documentary research, having worked with Banyak, war photographer Olivier Sarbil and BBC Arabic.

Tied to his own work – and in many ways more significant than it – Ammar is passionate about increasing a diversity of representation in the UK’s media. He currently teaches and mentors extensively in his hometown of Hounslow and hopes that during his career he can continue to open doors and give guidance to those who may be less privileged but who still have a vital perspective and voice on the issues that surround us. It is through engendering this ingrained diversity that he hopes his career will have a lasting impact, beyond the written word.
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