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Media Makers

Paid work placements for entry level journalists

The Media Makers programme offered work placements in journalism.

The scheme aimed to provide people with the training and experience needed to break into journalism. It particularly focused on the production side of journalism, which includes sub-editing, digital curation, monetisation of content and writing headlines.

Please note that this programme is currently not running. Join our mailing list to keep up to date on our opportunities, or consider applying for our Scott Trust Bursary scheme.
I'm honoured to be starting the Media Makers internship with Cafeyn and the Guardian Foundation, an opportunity which provides me with an invaluable springboard into journalism and the media industry. I'm most excited about reading high-quality journalism, curating my favourite work, and becoming involved with production.
Luke Gonnella
Media Makers trainee
About the scheme
Successful interns joined Cafeyn’s global editorial team in London for a period of 6 months. During the scheme, they received dedicated training and experience at Cafeyn, including:
  • training on digital journalism, article performance, SEO, how to make articles stand out on digital platforms, newsletter production and homepage editing

  • learning how to understand audience behaviour and engagement levers on digital channels (e.g. mobile, web, newsletters, social media)

  • taking part in content selection & curation

  • work on developing innovative editorial formats like narrated content and podcasts.

  • Photography by Neo Latrica and The Guardian Foundation.
    Registered charity: 1153865