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Create a newsroom in your classroom

You are the chief editor in your classroom! Add authenticity to news literacy lessons with these tips on how to turn your classroom into a newsroom

NewsWise display

Create a NewsWise display to track pupils’ learning. This could include:

  • NewsWise values poster

  • the NewsWise Navigator

  • favourite news articles

  • fake news stories the class has identified

  • pupils’ own work

  • photos of them as journalists in action.

Press passes

Create your own press passes for pupils to wear when they are learning about news and producing their own reports. Reporters gain access to more people and places when they have a press pass!


Use deadlines with your pupils to replicate the experience of the newsroom and add energy and pace to activities. A countdown timer works well, along with news jingles for sound effects.

Newsroom atmosphere

  • Hold a news conference each morning to discuss the day’s news and gather each other's opinions on the different stories.

  • Display clocks from different timezones. is a good online source for this. You and your pupils can select cities that are meaningful for your class using the personal world clock settings.

  • Use “breaking news” bulletins to introduce challenges, questions, new learning.

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