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NewsWise Pupil Reports

Summer term

The following articles are made up of excerpts of reports by pupils from Hawes Primary School.

Dinner crisis at local primary school

Antoni, Hannah, Goa, Natalia, Edwin, Harry N
Children from Hawes Primary School were almost left in a crisis without any food to eat this term due to a meal mix up with companies.

In February, half way through the spring term, the Yorkshire Collaborative Academy Trust (YCAT) stopped the contract with the previous school meal provider, Dolce. But the school had not yet received new deliveries, meaning other options had to be put in place.

While the management of YCAT were unavailable for comment, the head of school Miss A Caygill said: “There was a point where we did not know if there were going to even be school dinners, but we did have a backup plan.”

The swift change has resulted in more autonomy and better value for money.

Although the changes were broadly popular the school faced problems in the kitchens.

More training was needed, deliveries were needed and the school worried if there were going to be any school dinners at all for children after half term.

Miss Caygill told us: “It was stressful and hard to organise but we could not leave our pupils hungry.”

Since then, the school has ordered its own food.

These changes all contribute to the work the school does to support children’s wider health and wellbeing. They hope it will continue to make an impact in the future.
These reports contain all the relevant facts and are very newsworthy. Well done!

Delicious dinners delivered to school

Josh, Harriet, Hannah, Harry F, Jacob Harry
Last February half term, changes to school dinners at Hawes Primary School were put in place.

Since then, not only has the menu been overhauled, but the school now orders and sources its own food and deliveries.

The broadly popular decision was made by the Yorkshire Collaborative Academy Trust (YCAT).

The reason for the quick change was to get better value for money and more autonomy over the school’s meals.

Although the changes seem successful, there was a worry that the children may return to no meals at school due to the fact that the new deliveries did not arrive on time.

The school cook, Sophie, said that the menu is healthier than before and that it provides bigger portions for less money.

School pupil Bertie, 10, said: “I changed from packed lunches to the delicious school meals, because there is more choice and they are healthier.”

However, some pupils don’t like the new menu because some of their favourite meals have been omitted.

When approached for comment, YCAT were unavailable. But Miss A Caygill (Head of School) said: “It is a positive change, because the meals are better quality and better value for money.”
These are interesting and well-balanced news reports about a topic which is very important and newsworthy to the pupils' local community - their school!

Read more pupil reports

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