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NewsWise Pupil Reports

Summer term

The following articles were written by pupils from Gabalfa Primary School

Inflation at its peak

Harley, Kobe, Morgan
This year, the cost of living has risen, due to the war in Ukraine affecting supplies and Brexit. Everyone has been affected globally, especially the citizens of Gabalfa.

Significantly, the cost of living is the highest for 40 years and people can’t pay for essentials like food and electricity. Inflation is rising by 9.1% too. It is estimated that by 2025, prices will go up by 50%.

In an interview, Alisha Deek, manager of Spar, stated that customers would rather go to Lidl or Aldi because the cost of living is rising and people are looking for cheaper products. “The cost of living is getting worse,” she stated, adding that the cost of food has also increased.

In an interview, a member of the public stated: “It is a very stressful and horrible feeling.”

Due to this situation, people can’t pay bills, afford essentials and buy food and electricity.

People are having to make economic choices like selling their cars, cancelling TV subscriptions, having to walk and even cutting back on light and food.

The government stated that they were now providing a pack of measures designed to ease the pain of the cost of living.
Harley, Kobe and Morgan picked a very newsworthy topic for their report. They all included relevant quotes and used them to add extra interest and perspectives to the story. Well done!

Pokemon cards banned at Gabalfa Primary School

Since 2019, Pokemon cards have been banned in Gabalfa Primary School. The headmistress, Mrs Jenkins, disagreed with Pokemon cards being allowed due to the arguments they caused and the cards being stolen.

It was December 1998 when Pokemon cards were introduced and by the end of the year, the cards were being shipped to the UK and they became a big hit.

Some children were left out because their parents couldn’t afford to buy them Pokemon cards.

Other people argued that the cards improved their maths skills and children could interact with others and gain social skills.

In an interview, Mrs Jenkins stated: “I think we might be able to have a weekly club.” She added: “Children would get a consequence for not following the rules but it would be an individual ban.”

A pupil from Gabalfa Primary School said: “I want the cards to come back for the last few days of primary school because I’m going up to year 7 and I’ll miss it.”
Faith has written an interesting and well-balanced news report about a topic which is very important and newsworthy to her local community - her school!
The following articles are made up of excerpts of reports by pupils from Longwood Primary School.

Clawsome school trip

Harrison, Rita, Charlotte
Longwood Primary School went on a trip to Twycross Zoo on 3 March because it was World Book Day. This year’s World Book Day theme was animals.

The whole school went on the trip. Mrs Price, office staff, noted: “We took 149 out of a possible 151 children to Twycross Zoo, it was a brilliant, brilliant day.”

The risk assessments were a lot harder because Longwood Primary School had to make sure they didn’t mix bubbles and didn’t mix with anyone else who was there. At lunch, the children ate outside on the grass as they weren’t allowed to eat inside the cafeteria. While the children were eating, Miss Collins, a year 5 teaching assistant, got pooed on by birds twice.

The pupils saw lots of animals at the zoo. The monkeys were causing a lot of drama by fighting up on the ropes. Everyone thought it was cool and funny since they have never experienced this before. The pupils then headed to the penguins in the seaweed green waters and a few minutes later they headed to the rhino cabin and there was one rhino inside. They then went to see the giant sea turtles in their cabin.

All of the children loved the animals at the zoo. Summer, a year 4 pupil, said: “Yes I enjoyed it a lot because one of my favourite animals was there and I hadn’t been for ages.”

When they were all about to leave everyone was talking about the trip. Everyone was safe and had a great time. When asked if everyone felt safe, Lacy, a year 6 pupil, said: “Yes because we had all of the teachers around us.”

The children are really excited for their next school trip. Longwood Primary School hadn’t been on a school trip in 3 years and some pupils in this school had never been on a school trip before. Archie, a year 2 student, said: “I really like going on trips. They are my favourite.”

Year 5 pupils from the school are looking forward to going on another trip to Whitemoor Lakes in the near future.
These reports are excellent examples of very newsworthy stories, and the pupils all included interesting quotes. Well done everyone!

Read more pupil reports

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