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NewsWise Pupil Reports

Autumn term

The following article was written by pupils at High Bank School

Batty about cricket at High Bank

Adedoyin, Harrison, Stanley
Cricket coach Jordan came to High Bank School every Wednesday to teach children from year 2 to year 6 about batting, bowling and fielding.

Jordan, who works for Thornton Cricket Club, also works for the Yorkshire Cricket Board. He came into the school from November to December so he could improve cricket skills for children.

The skills that the High Bank children learned were a star position to help with bowling, batting skills, holding position and how to think about direction. Some of the techniques learned were holding the bat sideways.

According to the children, some of the demonstrations were really good too.

Jordan told the children: “Working with children is terrific at all schools.”

Mr Barrett, who is the school’s PE coordinator and a cricketer himself, invited Jordan into school so students could learn cricket skills.

Mr Barrett loves playing cricket because he can play with his friends, and he said that he wanted to see High Bank School improve their teamwork.

Mrs Tai, the head teacher, wanted the best for her school so she told Jordan to come in and teach the children too. Mrs Tai chose this company because she trusts it. The headteacher informed us that she wanted to “increase opportunities for children to experience different sports and new skills in a new game using teamwork.”

Jordan told year 4 and 5 about some local cricket clubs they could join. The cricket clubs were: Hartshead Moor, Liversedge, Rastrick, and Scholes. Children should join one of them if they want to start their own cricket career.

Later in key stage 2 and year 2, children might learn golf, rounders, hand ball or tennis because they are similar to cricket in the skills that are needed.
What a great story that is so important to your school. Well done for including quotes from people who were very important to the story. Fantastic!

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