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Child writing with NewsWise pencil

NewsWise for libraries

Resources and information

Activities for libraries
  • Our Gorilla on the loose activity helps children to spot the differences between fact, rumour, opinion and speculation on social media

  • Download The camera never lies to learn about how images can be faked or edited

  • Have a look at our activity on targeted information to understand how websites track our online habits and interests

  • Our resources on managing feelings about the news are great for discussing helpful strategies when the news makes us feel scared or upset

  • The NewsWise news navigator gives children a code to follow, with questions and checks to help them spot fake news

  • Librarian media literacy training
    Our media literacy workshops equip you with the skills and knowledge to run effective sessions in library settings
    of librarians who took part
    said it was excellent or good
    of librarians who took part
    agreed it gave them ideas and resources to support them delivering media literacy in their setting
    The training was really interesting and I would hope we might be able to incorporate some of the really useful resources in our reading groups
    NewsWise librarian media literacy training
    Case study
    Read what Carrina Blake, Digital and Inclusion Coordinator with Coventry libraries had to say about her experience of our training and workshops for librarians and libraries.
    Our family workshops at the Library of Birmingham
    family looking at workshop resources small child doing NewsWise colouring activity NewsWise facilitator with a family family talking about NewsWise activity Family reading news article together family filling in evaluation surveys together
    Registered charity: 1153865