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About the NewsWise partners

The Guardian Foundation
We are an independent charity that aims to increase access to the media for underrepresented voices
We believe a free press is crucial to a functioning democracy; that everyone should be able to have their voice heard and engage with the media they consume; and in order for the media to hold power to account it must be representative of the society it serves.
National Literacy Trust
The National Literacy Trust is an independent charity dedicated to raising literacy levels in the UK. Their research and analysis make them the leading authority on literacy. They run projects in the poorest communities, campaign to make literacy a priority for politicians and parents, and support schools.
PSHE Association
The PSHE Association is the national body for personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education. PSHE education a school subject that supports pupils to be healthy, safe and prepared for modern life. The PSHE curriculum covers a range of pressing issues facing children and young people today, including those relating to relationships, mental and physical health, staying safe and aware online, financial literacy and careers.
Registered charity: 1153865