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Behind the Headlines

Opinion writing

Ages: 15-18 (y11-y13)
Minimum number of students: 14
Maximum number of students: 16
Delivery method: onsite 4 hours (normally 10am-2.30pm)

Students will discover the style, pace and structure of an opinion article and go on to research, plan, pitch and write a short opinion article inspired by a current news story.

We will provide pre and post-workshop resources including a comment page template.

Please subscribe to our newsletter to be notified when bookings open.
Our workshops are planned and delivered by qualified secondary school teachers. Workshops are differentiated, where necessary and possible, to cater for students from Key Stages 3 - 5 and students with SEND.

Onsite: Further information for schools visiting

Please ensure you have read our visitor guide, including the risk assessment and related documents.

Groups should arrive 15 minutes prior to their start time to check into the Guardian building.

Teacher/pupil ratio: there should be a minimum of 3 adults regardless of group size.

Please note we have limited availability of all workshops and will give priority to schools that have not previously had a workshop, particularly state schools with high numbers of pupils on free school meals.
It was a brilliant experience for the students to be in the actual Guardian building, to look at the Guardian newspaper and to use the equipment and have a really engaging lesson. I thought the whole day was excellent, really well organised, engaging and at the right speed for the students to be kept on task and keep up with the expectations.
Holmewood Upper School
I enjoyed producing my own piece of opinion writing about a topic close to my heart in a realistic format which looks professional and felt professional to produce.
Year 12 Student
Little Heath School
We study The Guardian as a set text so it was especially relevant. The students gained a lot from this experience which dovetailed with our in class teaching and the Guardian staff were fantastic.
Wheatley Park School

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